Perhaps Sweden's most beautiful coastal road, long straight country roads and shorter bike rides with proximity to ice cream, swimming and outstanding lookout points. Here you can enjoy nature at your own pace and according to your abilities. Pack your bike next time you come - or hop on your bike and pedal here.


Cycling on Öland

When cycling on Öland, it's good to have plenty of time, but not because it's strenuous. On the contrary. The back roads almost lift you through the landscape and you can put your energy into really enjoying the unbeatable views, all the sounds and smells. You'll probably also want to take a break at the farm shops, cafes or restaurants you cycle past, so take your time.

Around the island there are great cycling trails with routes to suit all cyclists, ranging from fine forests for Mtb to the Ölandsleden which winds its way around the whole island. Öland is simply made to be experienced on two wheels, so bring your own bike or rent everything you need on site. Here we recommend some of Öland's best cycling routes. 

Cykla i Mörbylånga
Cykla på Öland
cycling tours
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Mountain Bike
Cykla på Öland
mtb cyckling
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Cykla på Öland
Öland Trail
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Ironman cykling
Cykla på Öland
Road cycling
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Cykla i Mörbylånga
bike rental
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Bicycle rental

On Öland there are many possibilities to rent everything you need on the spot. There is also the possibility to rent at one place and leave at another.


Things to think about before your cycling holiday

1. The right clothes and a good helmet
The weather in Sweden can change from sunny to rainy to windy depending on where you are and what time of year you are cycling. Bringing an extra wind or rain jacket can be a good idea. If you are going to cycle longer distances over several days, a pair of cycling shorts and shoes can be a good investment to make your cycling extra comfortable. A helmet goes without saying!

2. Check your bike
Check that there is enough air in the tyres, and that the tyres are not worn. Make sure the chain is lubricated and the brakes are working properly.

3. If you get a puncture
Changing a tube if you get a puncture is not difficult, as long as you are prepared. Make sure you have a small saddle bag with an extra hose, tools and pump so you don't have to stand around waiting for help.

4. Pack appropriately
Don't bring more than you need. If you're going for a few days, there are good panniers that can be attached to your bike, but remember that a lot of packing makes your bike unnecessarily heavy to ride. Pack a swimsuit and towel, as you will pass many bathing spots along the way.

5. Finally
Plan your route in advance, take your time, cycle together and have fun! Don't forget to take plenty of breaks and coffee stops along the way, there are plenty of cafes and nice rest areas on Öland!

Love Öland Carefully

It is a privilege that we have the opportunity to take part in the changing nature of Öland and get close to it, even if it is protected nature. But with freedom also comes responsibility. Nature on Öland is fragile and many areas are valuable to the ecosystem. Therefore, we love Öland in a careful way so that we can continue to enjoy unique nature experiences during the four seasons.

Thanks to the right of public access, we can move freely in Swedish nature. But what does the right of public access mean, what can you do and what do you need to consider?

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