good to know

Find brochures and maps, travel information and tourist information as well as contact information for Ölands Turistbyrå and the tourism organisation. Here you can also read about how you can love Öland in a gentle way.

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Tourist information

Take a look at brochures, maps, and other information which can be useful before you visit Öland!

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Travel information

Car, bus. flight or train, you choose what will be most convenient for your trip to Öland.

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Picknick i Sandbergen
Love Öland with care

Öland is a fragile island and many areas are very valuable for the ecosystem. That's why we love

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Love Öland with care

It is a privilege that we get the opportunity to take part in the changing nature on Öland and get close to it, even if it is protected nature. But with freedom also comes responsibility. The nature on Öland is fragile and many areas are valuable to the ecosystem. That is why we love Öland in a careful way so that we can continue to enjoy unique nature experiences during the four seasons.

Thanks to the right of public access, we can move freely in Swedish nature. But what does the right of public access mean, what can you do and what do you have to think about? Read more about it here.